Grant Howard is an internationally recognized expert and major contributor in the design and implementation of “Best Practices” Inventory Management and Replenishment Systems, Operational Excellence and Systems Utilization. He has multiple company experience in inventory management, purchasing design, operations, problem solving, procedure preparation, and systems administration. Mr. Howard has assisted a number of multiple branch distributors and distribution software houses in the design, education, and implementation of procedures, software packages, and the use of current technology concentrating on inventory management, replenishment, operational efficiency, system utilization; resulting in fantastic customer service, bottom line and growth improvements.

Grant concentrates on inventory reduction programs while increasing customer service levels. For example, one company that Mr. Howard worked with had over nine million in inventory, achieving less than two inventory turns per year and a service level less than 80%. He was actively involved in helping them become a company with three times as many branches, two-thirds the original inventory investment, over seven turns per year and service levels exceeding 95%. He has assisted multiple distributors, both large and small, to achieve equally impressive results.

Other areas of Grant’s expertise are making a company’s systems and technology a real tool for the company as well as his proficiency in retrieving information from systems in a “management style” format, making the systems a valuable tool. This methodology allows “management by exception” or proactive management rather than management by “putting out fires” or reactive management. With this style of reporting, management can concentrate on the problem areas while spending more of their time managing the process and servicing the customer.

In addition to his practical experience, Grant has a Bachelor of Science degree in Wholesale Distribution from Eastern Michigan University where he also teaches classes on proper inventory management. Grant has presented “Best Practices” and “How to” courses for NAED (National Association of Electrical Distributors), PTDA (Power Transmission Distributors Association), HIDA (Health Industry Distributors Association), NWFA (National Wood Flooring Association), UID (University of Industrial Distribution), Industrial Distribution Magazine, Infor (NxTrend Technology), TUG (The User Group) as well as multiple other associations, publishing houses, and distribution software houses. He spends much of his time facilitating proper inventory management and operational efficiency with on-site training and implementation for multiple companies belonging to these associations and others. Grant is also an active member on the board of directors for multiple distribution companies.
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